雲端計算系統與實務 (Cloud Computing System and Practices)
(Score and Attendance)
EE300024 雲端計算系統與實務(Practice of Cloud Computing System)
AWS Academy Cloud Foundations [12380]大二 (三)234 I627)
授課老師 (Teacher): 王經篤 (Jing-Doo Wang) (jdwang@asia.edu.tw, I517, Ext:1847)
How to hand out the result of Labs ? (By Okto)
(自學) AWS自學聖經:5大必學雲端主題・超圖解入門
(出版商:深智) (作者: Sam T.) (出版日期:2021/12/20) (上市日:2021/12/20)
(基礎) 大話AWS雲端架構:雲端應用架構圖解輕鬆學(第二版)
(出版商:博碩 書號:MP22156) (作者:李秉鴻、周廷諺、何松穎) (ISBN: 978-986-434-802-2) (上市日:2021/7/24)
(進階) AWS CDK 完全學習手冊:打造雲端基礎架構程式碼 IaC(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書)
(出版商:博碩 書號:MP22156) (作者:林侃賦(Clarence) 著) (ISBN: 978-986-434-920-3) (上市日:2021/7/24)
(For AWS Certification Exam)
AWS Cheat Sheets (From: Neal, Founder of Digital Cloud Training)
1. 雲端計算與 AWS Academy Cloud Foundations (AWS ACF) 課程簡介
AWS Certification
2. AWS ACF Module 1 - Cloud Concepts Overview (雲端概念總覽)
Module 1 Knowledge Check
3. AWS ACF Module 2 - Cloud Economics and Billing (雲端經濟與收費)
Module 2 Knowledge Check
4. AWS ACF Module 3 - AWS Global Infrastructure Overview (雅馬遜全球計算架構佈局)
Module 3 Knowledge Check
5. AWS ACF Module 4 - AWS Cloud Security (雅馬遜雲端安全)
Lab 1 - Introduction to AWS IAM
Module 4 Knowledge Check
6. AWS ACF Module 5 - Networking and Content Delivery (網路與內容傳送)
Lab 2 - Build your VPC and Launch a Web Server
Module 5 Knowledge Check
7. AWS ACF Module 6 - Compute (計算)
Lab 3 - Introduction to Amazon EC2
Module 6 Knowledge Check
8. AWS ACF Module 7 - Storage (儲存)
Lab 4 - Working with EBS
Module 7 Knowledge Check
9. The Summary of Module 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Knowledge and The Competeness of Lab 1,2,3,4
AWS ACF practice Exam (Free with Voucher)
10. AWS ACF Module 8 - Databases (資料庫)
Lab 5 - Build a Database Server
Module 8 Knowledge Check
11. AWS ACF Module 9 - Cloud Architecture (雲端架構)
Activity - AWS Lambda (AWS ACF Module 6 - Compute (計算))
Module 8 Knowledge Check
12. AWS ACF Module 10 - Auto Scaling and Monitoring (自動擴展與監控)
Lab 6 - Scale & Load Balance your Architecture
13. Activity - AWS Lambda
14. Activity - AWS Elastic Beanstalk
15. AWS ACF Sandbox (實驗沙箱)
Sandbox Environment
16. AWS ACF practice Exam (Free with Voucher)
17. AWS ACF Exam (50% discount with Voucher)(50 US dolloars+ Tax) (請填入 FirstName&LastName&Country)
Xvoucher /https/://info.xvoucher.com/
18. Final check for AWS ACF and Discussions
The Summary of Module 8,9,10 Knowledge and The Competeness of Lab 5,6,8 and AWS Lambda
(AWS Amazon Cloud Funndataions Practices)
AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
(0) Login AWS Training & Certification Portal (You have received one invitation email)
Registration Link:
Academy Cloud Foundations v2 (Asia University)
Prepare for Your AWS Certification Exam
(1) AWS ACF hands-on labs
(2) On-Line video Course
(3) white paper
(4) AWS Cloud Practitioner Practices (Cost: 20 USD))
(5) AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam ( Cost: 100 USD )
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Sample Questions
AWS Academy program Portal
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AWS Educate Educator Registration Guide - TW.pdf
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