AWS Educate

AWS Educate Login

Example: How to apply for an AWS Educate (如何註冊)蘇棻翎同學 提供(2018/9/11)

How to activate AWS Educate registration mail (如何回覆AWS確認信)感謝 張倖瑜(Sharon)同學 提供(2020/3/13)

How to go to AWS Educate Program Classroom(學生如何登入課程)感謝 張倖瑜(Sharon)同學 提供(2020/12/5)

How to apply AWS Educate for student without Credit Card

如何進入與開始使用AWS的線上實作練習的影片(約於1:13 開始看就好)

Educate for Educators

AWS Educate Student Home Page

Apply to join AWS Educate

(YouTube from EliteGeekz)How to access AWS console through AWS educate

On-Line program
(1) Apply for an AWS Educate (By Suca)

(2) 10 分鐘教學

AWS Certification
What is the Value of Being AWS Certified?
Prepare for Your AWS Certification Exam
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (Video&White Paper)
Vocareum Support (Hand-on Lab)

AWS Academy program

AWS Academy Platforms Introduction