(Hadoop 2.7.1) windoop_2.7.1_with_HBase_jre8_x64_zh_TW.7z (感謝 Windoop 林奇暻 先生提供)

Windoop PC Cluster Setup

(Please modify the origal "Windoop" into "Windoop_SingleNode")
環境設定(Windoop 2. 0)(感謝:賴敬勳,王俊平,楊松儒 環境測試)
Windoop_WorkerNode_jdwang2018_10_16.zip(MaterNode: for (陳咨雅)
  1. Check IP: DOS> ipconfig
  2. (Make sure that the all IPs of PCs are in the same internet segment (e.g. 172.168.115.?))
  3. Modify the file "windoop\hadoop\etc\hadoop\core-site.xml"
  4. ("localhost"=> IP)
  5. Modify the file "windoop\hadoop\etc\hadoop\yarn-site.xml"
  6. ("localhost"=> IP)
  7. Modify the file "windoop\hadoop\etc\hadoop\hdfs-site.xml"
  8. ("localhost"=> IP)
    dfs.namenode.name.dir=>("E:\windoop\dfs\name"=>"[Path to Windoop Location Directiry]\dfs\name"
    dfs.datanode.data.dir=>("E:\windoop\dfs\data"=>""=>"[Path to Windoop Location Directiry\dfs\data"
    (Please turn off your "firewall" in advance before testing)

  • (加速speedUp)(I627 PCs)
    Horizontal Scale Up : How to add worker nodes efficiently?

    SpeedUp Problem?
    SpeedUp Experiment (WindoopExecuteTime.xlsx
    SingleNode vs. Multinodes (1,2,4,8)?
    small dataset vs. large dataset
    many small files (? MB << 128 MB) vs. one packed files (e.g. ?GB)

  • 參考(References)

    Python+Spark 2.0+Hadoop 機器學習與大數據分析實戰,林大貴,出版商: 博碩,出版日期: 2016-10-03,語言: 繁體中文,ISBN: 9864341537,ISBN-13: 9789864341535
  • 第4章 Hadoop 2.6 Single Node Cluster 安裝指令
  • 第5章 Hadoop 2.6 Multi Node Cluster安裝指令

  • Hadoop Cluster Setup
  • What is Hadoop Cluster? Hadoop Cluster Setup and Architecture | Hadoop Training | Edureka
  • Hadoop 簡易架設不求人 (From: 作者:楊德倫 / 臺灣大學計算機及資訊網路中心教學程式設計組幹事(VirtualBox+Linux+Hadoop)
  • How to Install and Set Up a 3-Node Hadoop Cluster(From: Florent Houbart)
    Commercial Product: CloudEra +Hortonwork)
    Apache Hadoop兩大廠Cloudera與Hortonworks宣布合併
    windoop_ClusterIP_10. From:Windoop 林奇暻)(Windoop+start_MultiNodes_Cluster_MasterNode.bat+start_MultiNodes_Cluster_WOrderNode.bat)