Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧概論)

Time Period (上課時間): Tudesday 2,3,4 (13:10 pm~ 16:00 pm), Room (上課地點) : H103
授課老師 (Teacher): 王經篤 (Jing-Doo Wang) (, I517, Ext:1847)

AWS Academy Machine Learning Foundations [23228]


Grade (1-2/Goup)(Sandbox with Your Own dataset)

作(譯)者:張志勇、廖文華、石貴平、王勝石、游國忠 出版日:2021/12/29 出版商:全華 ISBN(13碼):9789865039226 書號:0641701

參考書(Reference book):

  1. The histroy of AI
  2. The Applications of AI
  3. AI vs. Machine Learning
  4. AI vs. Deep Learning
  5. The practices of AI
  6. The futures and Challendge of AI