Homework: WordCount (英文字計算)
- (PubMedID(第0欄)##發表日期(第1欄)##標題(第2欄) ##內容(第3欄))
- 2155610##1990-02-28##Interleukin-1 beta analogues with markedly reduced pyrogenic activity can stimulate secretion of
adrenocorticotropic hormone in rats.##We examined the adrenocorticotropic hormone-releasing activities of several human interleukin-1 beta
analogues that have markedly reduced pyrogenic activities in rats. Among the analogues
tested, [Gly4]-, [Leu93]- and [1-148]-interleukin-1 beta increased the plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone level to almost that induced by
authentic human interleukin-1 beta. Modifications of the N-terminus of the authentic molecule, i.e., [7-153]- and
[Des-Ala1, Asp4]-interleukin-1 beta, significantly reduced the hormone-releasing activity.These data suggest that the
adrenocorticotropic hormone-releasing activity of human interleukin-1 beta resides in the N-terminal structure of
the authentic peptide and can be separated from its pyrogenic activity.
- ("ProjectName =>C_你的學號_Top50")
- (60%)(標題(第2欄))
找出出現次數前50名的字? (匯入Excel 然後排序)
- ("ProjectName =>C_你的學號_TitleTop50_NoSymbol")
- ("ProjectName =>C_你的學號_TitleTop50_NoSymbolNoExcel)
- ("ProjectName =>C_你的學號_TitleTop50_NoSymbolNoExcel_Extra)
- 90%=>(80%)+ 如何做更精確的計算?
Please tell the extra points you have done. For example,
(1) How to have the statistics of word-counting more precise ? (stemming 字根處理)
(2) Compare frequency distribution of wordcount obtained in (60%)(70%)(80%) and find the differences among these statistics.