
Trend Research Centre


200 Club of China (Including China, Hong Kong, and Macao) (Single Author Articles)

Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1900-present

There were 42,052,510 publications which included 29,035,164 articles in the SCI-Expanded from 1900

China (Including China, Hong Kong, and Macao) published 1,190 independent papers which have been cited by the Web of science papers at least 200 times. 993 independent articles have been cited by the Web of science papers at least 200 times.

63 single author articles have been cited by the Web of science papers at least 200 times.

SCI updated 17 January 2014

Figure 1. 200 club of China (single author) by year

Figure 2. 200 club of China (single author) by total citations

Figure 3. 200 club of China (single author) by citations per year

Figure 4. 200 club of China (single author) by total citations in 2013