Global cancer statistics for the most common cancers

Pubmed articles ( Top 10 cancer types : 10,000 articels)

(60%)(single Line)(No Stopwords): Find the most common 20 words within the "title"

(70%)(single Line)(No Stopwords): (60%) +Find the most 20 common words within the "Abstract" and show the differences top 20 common words between "Title" and "Abstract"

(80%)(multi-linms)(No Stopwords): (70%) + Find the most 20 common words the "title" and "Abstract" and show the differences top 20 common words between "Title" and "Abstract"

(90%)(multi-linms)(No Stopwords)(Lemmatization): (80%) + Compare the most 20 common words in the within the "title" and "Abstract"

(Observation): Compare above most 20 common words derived from (60%),(70%),(80%) and (90%), tell what kind of differences you have observed

Report (pdf) embedded with YouTube (URL link shared)