2020 AI Summer Program : AWS Academy Cloud Fundations (ACF)

Associate Prof. Jing-Doo Wang (王經篤)

TA: Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto (Email: chayadions@gmail.com)

Make sure that you can login into the AWS ACF lab? (AWS ACF REGISTRATION.pdf (by Oktomy)

(AWS Academy Student(For students enrolled in a class)& Educator Portal(For educators who have access to the AWS Academy Portal) (LMS平台)
  • What is "Cloud Computing" ? Why we need "Cloud Computing" in AI ?
  • Why choose "AWS" ? but not "Google" or "MicroSoft"

  • AWS Academy Cloud Fundations (ACF) I (8/14 9am-12am)
    Introduction to outline (YouTube)
    Module 1 - Cloud Concept Overview (YouTube)
    Module 6 - Compute (YouTube)
    Lab 3 - Introduction to Amazon EC2 (Demo by Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto)(YouTube)

    AWS Academy Cloud Fundations (ACF) II (8/14 13pm-16pm)

    Module 3 - AWS Global Infrastructure Overview (YouTube)
    Module 5 - Networking and Content Delivery (YouTube)
    Lab 2 - Build your VPC and Launch a Web Server (Demo by Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto)(YouTube)
    AWS ACF Conclusion (YouTube)