AI 雲端運算實務 (AI Cloud Computing Practices)

(Score and Attendance) Schedule
EE300130 AI雲端運算實務 (大四 (一)234 I627)
授課老師 (Teacher): 王經篤 (Jing-Doo Wang) (, I517, Ext:1847)
AWS Academy Machine Learning Foundations [12378]
How to hand out the result of Labs ? (By Okto)


(自學) AWS自學聖經:5大必學雲端主題・超圖解入門
(出版商:深智) (作者: Sam T.) (出版日期:2021/12/20) (上市日:2021/12/20)

(基礎) 大話AWS雲端架構:雲端應用架構圖解輕鬆學(第二版)
(出版商:博碩 書號:MP22156) (作者:李秉鴻、周廷諺、何松穎) (ISBN: 978-986-434-802-2) (上市日:2021/7/24)

(進階) AWS CDK 完全學習手冊:打造雲端基礎架構程式碼 IaC(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書)
(出版商:博碩 書號:MP22156) (作者:林侃賦(Clarence) 著) (ISBN: 978-986-434-920-3) (上市日:2021/7/24)

(For AWS Certification Exam) AWS Cheat Sheets (From: Neal, Founder of Digital Cloud Training)

Module 1 – Welcome to AWS Academy Machine Learning Foundations

Pre-Course Survey
How to complete lab exercises

Module 2 – Introducing Machine Learning
Demo - Amazon Sagemaker
Module 2 Knowledge Check

Module 3 – Implementing a Machine Learning pipeline with Amazon SageMaker
Lab 3.1 - Amazon SageMaker - Creating and importing data
Lab 3.2 - Amazon SageMaker - Exploring Data
Lab 3.3 - Amazon SageMaker - Encoding Categorical Data
Lab 3.4 - Amazon SageMaker - Training a model
Lab 3.5 - Amazon SageMaker - Deploying a model
Lab 3.6 - Amazon SageMaker - Generating model performance metrics
Lab 3.7 - Amazon SageMaker - Hyperparameter Tuning
Module 3 Knowledge Check

Module 4 – Introducing Forecasting
Demo - Using Amazon Forecast Lab 4 - Creating a forecast with Amazon Forecast
Module 4 Knowledge Check

Middle Project
Module 5 – Introducing Computer Vision (CV)
Demo - Video Analysis with Amazon Rekognition
Demo - Labeling images with Amazon Ground Truth
Lab 5 - Guided Lab: Facial Recognition
Module 5 Knowledge Check

Module 6 – Introducing Natural Language Processing
Demo - Amazon Comprehend
Demo - Amazon Polly
Demo - Amazon Translate
Lab 6 - Amazon Lex - Create a chatbot
Module 6 Knowledge Check

Module 7 – Course Wrap-Up

Sandbox environment

Practice Questions in AWS Skill Builder

Final Project

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