Patent (專利)



  1. Traffic Flow Prediction with Heterogeneous Spatiotemporal Data Based on A Hybrid Deep Learning Model Using Attention-Mechanism
    Jing-Doo Wang and Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto
    Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.2, pp.1711-1728, 2024. (SCIE,SCOPUS)
  2. Traffic Flow Prediction with Heterogenous Data Using a Hybrid CNN_LSTM Model
    Jing-Doo Wang and Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto
    Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol. 76, No.3, pp. 3097–3112, 2023. (SCIE,SCOPUS)
  3. Online Web query system for various frequency distributions of bus passengers in Taichung city of Taiwan
    Jing-Doo Wang, Shin-Hung Pan *, Cheng-Yuan Ho, Shu-chuan Liao, Yao-Nan Lien and Achmad Nurmandi. (*: Corresponding author)
    IET Smart Cities (Special issue: Geospatial Sensing, Mining & Analytics for Smart Cities), Vol. 2, No. 3, , pp. 135 – 145, September 2020
  4. A Novel Approach to Extract Significant Time Interval Patterns of Vehicles from Freeway Gantry Timestamp Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang and Ming-Chorng Hwang
    Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(9), 878; doi:10.3390/app7090878. (SCIE, IF=1.679)
    (Special Issue "Selected Papers from IEEE ICASI 2017")

  5. Extracting Significant Pattern Histories from Timestamped Texts using MapReduce
    Jing-Doo Wang
    Journal of Supercomputing, 72(8), pp. 3236-3260, DOI 10.1007/s11227-016-1713-z, April 2016

  6. Shape Query for Pattern History in PubMed Literatures via Haar Wavelet
    Jing-Doo Wang, Zhong-Kai Jiang, Jui-Chi Chen
    International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies(IJAIT), Vol. 9 ;No. 6. pp. 67-76, December 2015.

  7. Combination Therapy Using Chelating Agent and Zinc for Wilson’s Disease.
  8. Jui-Chi Chen, Cheng-Hung Chuang, Jing-Doo Wang, Chi-Wei Wang,
    Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 697-708, December 2015. (SCI, EI; ISSN: 1609-0985)

  9. A Novel BLAST-Based Relative Distance (BBRD) Method Can Effectively Group Members ofProtein ArginineMethyltransferases and Suggest their Evolutionary Relationship.
  10. Yi-Chun Wang†,*, Jing-Doo Wang †, Chin-Han Chen, Yi-Wen Chen, Chuan Li *
    (†Co-first author, *Co-corresponding author),
    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution(2015 JCR, IF=4.018, Rank=13/46,EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY)

  11. Mining for Representative Regions of Virus Genuses via Protein Sequences Clustering
    Jing-Doo Wang and Yi-Chun Wang
    International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics , Vol. 9, No. 3,  (2013 JCR, IF=0.655, Rank=48/65,MATHEMATICAL, COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY )
  12. Comparing Virus Classification using Genomic Materials according to Different Taxonomic Levels
    Jing-Doo Wang Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 11, No. 6, 1343003, November 2013 a special issue on GIW2013(SCIE(2013 JCR, IF=0.931, Rank=42/52,MATHEMATICAL; COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY)
  13. An Approach to Evaluate the Fitness of One Class Structure via Dynamic Centroids
    Jing-Doo Wang and Hsiang-Chuan Liu
    Expert Systems with Applications, October 2011, Vol.38, Issue 11, pp. 13764-13772. (SCI)(2011 JCR, IF=2.203, Rank=22/111,COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)
  14. Evaluating the Ambiguities Between Two Classes via Euclidean Distance
    Jing-Doo Wang and Hsiang-Chuan Liu
    Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, March 2009, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 21-35
  15. Scaling behavior of Maximal Repeat Distributions in Genomic Sequences
    J.D. Wang, Hsiang-Chuan Liu, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai and Ka-Lok Ng.
    The International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCiNi) , 2008, 2(3), pages 31~42
  16. External memory approach to compute the maximal repeats across classes from DNA sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang,
    Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, 2006, Vol. 1, Number 3, pages 276-295
    (A previous version of conference paper was published in NCS 2005)
  17. Improving Linear Classifier for Chinese Text Categorization
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and Jing-Doo Wang
    The Journal of Information Processing and Management(IP&M).(EI, SCI Expanded)
    Volume 40, Issue 2 , March 2004, pages 223-237
  18. Mining Periodic Events from Retrospective Chinese News
    Jing-Doo Wang and Jyh-Jong Tsay
    International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages(CPOL)
    Vol. 15, No. 4 (December 2002) , pages 361-377
    Special Issue: Web and WAP Oriental Languages Multimedia Computing
  19. Design and Evaluation of Approaches for Automatic Chinese Text Categorization
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and Jing-Doo Wang
    International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (CLCLP)
    Vol. 5, No. 2, August 2000, pages 43-58

International Conference

  1. (Accepted)
    Extracting Common DNA Segments from the Complete Genomes of 7538 Viruses and Five selected Mammals
    Jing-Doo Wang and Yi-Chun Wang
    (16th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence) (ICCCI 2024) 9-11 September 2024, Leipzig, Germany
  2. Traffic Flow Prediction with Heterogenous Data using a Hybrid LSTM_BILSTM Model
    Jing-Doo Wang and Chayadi Oktomy Noto Susanto
    International Conference on Smart Systems and Advanced Computing (SysCom 2022) December 30-31, 2022, Macau, China (Virtual Mode)
  3. Reducing the Gap between Phenotypes and Genotypes via Comparing Tagged Whole Genomic Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang
    The 12th International Conference on Advancements in Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery, (Adv.Bioinformatics 2018) November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland (Journal of Proteomics \& Bioinformatics, ISBN 0974-276X, DOI 10.417/0974-276X-C5-1242)
  4. Constructing the Relationship Tree of All Viruses via Genomic Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang and Yi-Chun Wang
    The 18th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering(BIBE 2018), page 10-13, October 29-31, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  5. Analyzing the Regularities of Passengers according to Different Time Intervals via Local Electronic Bus System Data in Taiwan
    Jing-Doo Wang, Yao-Nan Lien and Shin Hung Pan* (*Corresponding author)
    The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences(INFROMs 2018) June 17-20, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
  6. Extracting the Co-occurrences of DNA Maximal Repeats in both Human and Viruses
    Jing-Doo Wang, Yi-Chun Wang, Rouh-Mei Hu and Jeffrey Tsai
    The 17th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE 2017) pages 106-111, October 23 – 25, 2017. Washington DC, U.S.A.
  7. A Novel Approach to Improve Quality Control by Comparing the Tagged Sequences of Product Traceability
    Jing-Doo Wang
    DOI ( online:14 September 2018)
    2017 The 3rd International Conference on Inventions, 29 September–2 October 2017, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
  8. A Novel Approach to Extract Significant Time Intervals of Vehicles from Superhighway Gantry Timestamp Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang, and Ming-Chorng Hwang,
    2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2017) May 13-17, 2017,Hotel emisia, Sapporo, Japan (First Prize Paper Award) (Extended version submitted to Applied Sciences as a Special Issue "Selected Papers from IEEE ICASI 2017")
  9. Genome-wide Functional Identification of Maximal Consensus Patterns Derived from Multiple Species piRNAs
    Wen-Ling Chan, Mei-Chun Yeh, Jing-Doo Wang, , Jan-Gowth Chang and Jeffrey Tsai
    The 16th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering(BIBE2016), October 31 November 1, 2016, Taichung, Taiwan.
  10. Mining Distinctive DNA Patterns from the Upstream of Human Coding\&Non-Coding Genes via Class Frequency Distribution
    Jing-Doo Wang , Wen-Ling Chan, Charles C.N. Wang, Jan-Gowth Chang and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai
    2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(CIBCB 2016), 5th to 7th October 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  11. A Study of Comparing the Ambiguity of Existing Virus Taxonomy Structures Using Protein's Region Names in the Vector Space Model
    Jing-Doo Wang
    2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(CIBCB 2015), C-15004, August 12-15, 2015, Niagara Falls, Canada

  12. Extracting Retrospective Patterns from Time-Stamped Texts According To Variable Query Time Interval
    Jing-Doo Wang and Wijayanto Heri*, (*Corresponding author)
    The International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2015 (IMETI2015)October 30 - November 3, 2015, Kaohsiung,Taiwan.
  13. Comparing Virus Classification using Genomic Materials according to Different Taxonomic Levels
    Jing-Doo Wang
    The 24rd International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Singapore
    (This paper is included as a special issue ofJournal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 11, No. 6 1343003, 2013.a specialissue on GIW2013 (SCIE)(2013)

  14. (Poster) Virus Classification via Genomic Sequences From Different Taxonomic Level
    Jing-Doo Wang
    The 23rd International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2012),page 76, December 12-14, 2012,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan in Taiwan
  15. (Poster) A Comparison study of Virus Classification by Genome Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang The 11th  IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering,pages 270-273, 24-26 October 2011, Taichung, Taiwan.
  16. A Novel Approach to Compute Pattern History for Trend Analysis.
    Jing-Doo Wang
    The 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,, pages 1796-1800
    26-28 July 2011, Shanghai, China. (EI)
  17. Evaluating the Ambiguity of Class Structures via Instance Neighbor Entropy with Weighting.
  18. Jing-Doo Wang and Yao-Chug Shi (施耀竣)
    The IET International Conference on Frontier Computing – Theory, Technologies and Applications, pages 84B2-4,  Taiwan, August 4-6, 2010

  19. Evaluating the Ambiguity of Class Structure using Dynamic Centroids
    Jing-Doo Wang and Hsiang-Chuan Liu
    2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference,page 87, Nov27-29, 2009,Taipei, Taiwan.
  20. A Novel Approach for Evaluating Class Structure Ambiguity
    Jing-Doo Wang, Hsiang-Chuan Liu, Yao-Chug Shi
    the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) , pages1550-1555 , July 12-15, 2009.(EI)
  21. Evaluating the Ambiguities of Class Structure via Euclidean Distance

    Jing-Doo Wang.

    2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS2008), 13-15 Nov, Taiwan, R.O.C,  Vol. 2, pages 293-298


    Jing-Doo Wang, Shing-Chuan Liu and Ng Ka-Lok.

    The 4th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2006) ,13-16 Feb, 2006.

  23. Evaluating the Correlation Between Two Events From Retrospective Chinese News,
    Jing-Doo Wang and Jyh-Jong Tsay
    International Conference on Chinese Language Computing(ICCLC2002). 2002, pages 1-7

  24. Mining Periodic Events from the Chinese News
    Jing-Doo Wang and Jyh-Jong Tsay
    International Conference on Chinese Computing, 2001(ICCC2001),pages 255-260,Singapore.

  25. A Scalable Approach for Chinese Term Extraction
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and Jing-Doo Wang
    2000 International Computer Symposium (ICS2000), Taiwan, R.O.C, pages 246-253

  26. Improving Linear Classifier for Chinese Text Categorization By ErrorCorrection
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and Jing-Doo Wang
    The Fifth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages(IRAL2000) pages1--8, HongKong

  27. Implementation and Evaluation of Scalable Approaches for Automatic ChineseText Categorization
    Jyh-Jong Tsay , Jing-Doo Wang , Chun-Fu Pai and Ming-Kuen Tsay
    The 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pages 179-190,1999

Domestic Conference

  1. 台中市公車路線任意路段之搭乘人數交叉統計查詢系統-以西元2015和2016兩年資料為例
    【第十八屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會】特別議程(Big Data on Traffic and Transportation) ,2018年 5 月24-26日, 國立中興大學/惠蓀林場

  2. 提升Hadoop MapReduce計算效能之研究-以抽取樣式歷史為例
    2015中華民國系統科學與工程研討會,2015年 7 月17-19日,大同大學

  3. 樣式歷史資料之形狀查詢-藉由Haar小波
    2015年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇 The 9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies / Consumer Electronics Forum (AIT/CEF 2015), 2015年 4 月24、25 日,朝陽科技大學, pages 1239-1254

  4. 社群網站使用者上線時段分析-以批踢踢為例
    2014 數位科技與創新管理研討會,2014年6月14日,華梵大學

  5. 利用Hadoop建立文件樣式歷史資料索引之實作
    2014年第四屆網路智能與應用研討會,2014年 5 月 2、3 日,國立澎湖科技大學
  6. (Poster)A Novel Approach to Evaluate the Relative Distance of Proteins via Pearson correlation coefficient
    Chin-Han Chen, Yi-Chun Wang and Jing Doo Wang.
    第10屆台灣生物資訊與系統生物學研討會(BIT2012), October 19-21, 2012,國立陽明 大學, pages 55-56
  7. A Study of Virus Classification via Genomic DNA Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang and Jig-Fu Huang(黃進福)
    第十屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI2011), 2011 年 5 月 13、14 日,國立臺東大學, page 44
  8. A Study of Virus Classification via Coding Sequence (CDS)
    Jing-Doo Wangand Yong-Kai Lu(盧勇凱)
    第一屆網路智能與應用研討會(NCWIA2011), 2011年4月29日,國立高雄大學, page 88
  9. (Poster) Text Trend Analysis via Significant Term History - A study based on Indonesia News
    Jing-Doo Wangand Arie Budiansyah
    Student Symposium in Computer Science and Information Management, Taichung, Taiwan, August 4-6,2010.
  10. (Poster)關鍵字之趨勢研究-藉由PubMed文獻
    Student Symposium in Computer Science and Information Management, Taichung, Taiwan, August 4-6,2010.
  11. 中華民國專利趨勢研究-藉由顯要事件歷史
    2010數位內容與傳播應用學術研討會,pages 29-35,民國99年5月25日,醒吾技術學院
  12. Evaluating the Ambiguity of Non-Linear Separable Class Structure via Instance Neighbor Entropy
    Jing-Doo Wangand Yao-Chug Shi(施耀竣)
    第二十屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,page 54,Nov 20,2009 ,東海大學
  13. 中西藥交互作用知識管理資訊系統架構之研究-利用資料探勘技術建置
    2008全球服務科學管理理論與實務學術研討,Oct 17, 2008,國立彰化師範大學
  14. 中文新聞相關性事件之挖掘-藉由Haar小波轉換
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2007(NCS2007), Taiwan, R.O.C.
  15. 基因轉殖作物外來基因 BLAST 資料庫之建立
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2007(NCS2007), Taiwan, R.O.C.
  16. (Poster)A Genomic Study of Archaea regarding Oxygen Demand
    The 23st Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computational Theory
    第二十四屆組合數學與計算理論研討會, April 27~ 28, 2007
  17. An External Memory Approach to Compute the Statistics of Maximal Repeats from Whole Genome Sequences
    Jing-Doo Wang
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2005 (NCS2005), page 84, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  18. DNA Sequences Classification via Representative Patterns
    Jing-Doo Wang,
    The 7th Conference on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Engineering Technology and Applications to Chinese and Western Medicine.
    第七屆工程科技與中西醫藥應用研討會,page 16, June 2004
  19. A Case Study of Predicting the Class of the Unknown Viruses of ssRNA positive-strand in NCBI
    Jing-Doo Wang,
    The 21st Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computational Theory
    第二十一屆組合數學與計算理論研討會, pages 249-256, May 2004,
  20. Jyh-Jong Tsay, Yuan-Gu Wei, Jing-Doo Wang

    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2003(NCS2003),pages 369-376, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  21. 有效中藥網路自動化搜尋資料庫

    李明明, 林志敏, 王經篤, 林英傑, 黃偉鳴, 

    Proceedings of 第六屆工程科技與中西醫學應用研討會, pp. 254-258, Sep 2003, 臺中, 台灣.

  22. 網際網路遠端監控- 水族箱管理
    第三屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2003, pages 278-283.

  23. Improving Linear Classifier for Chinese Text Categorization
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and
    Jing-Doo Wang
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2001(NCS2001), pages B178-B188, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  24. Comparing Classifiers for Automatic Chinese Text Categorization
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and
    Jing-Doo Wang
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1999(NCS'99),pages B-274--B-281, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  25. Term Selection with Distributional Clustering for Chinese Text Classification using N-grams
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and Jing-Doo Wang
    ROCLING 1999, pages 151-170,1999.

  26. (Master) Scalable Parallel Algorithm for All-Nearest-Neighbors Problems
    Jyh-Jong Tsay and
    Jing-Doo Wang
    Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 1993(NCS'93), R.O.C. V.2. pages 955-962


最近鄰近點問題之 nCUBE 計算法設計與實作

Design and Evaluation of Approaches for Automatic Chinese Text Categorization 

